1581 - Francis Drake completes a circumnavigation of the world and is knighted by Elizabeth I.

Sir Francis drake is fucking insane. (I would have said awesome, but my better judgment tells me he probably was pretty savage.) He was a privateer. If you dont know, that means he was a legal pirate, contracted by the government. (Not unlike our own private militiamen, BLACKWATER.) He was also a navigator, a slave trader, and a politician. He was a hero to the English, and a brutal pirate to the Spanards, to whom he was known as "El Draque". The Dragon. At one time the king of Spain offered a bounty of 20,000 Ducats for El Draque's head. (20,000 ducats = 1 metric fuckload of money)

1841 - William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia becoming the first President of the United States to die in office and serve the shortest term.

1850 - Los Angeles, and its historic Adobes are incorporated into California.

1964 - The Beatles occupy the top five positions on the Billboard Hot 100 pop chart.

1968 - Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated by James Earl Ray at a motel in Memphis, Tennessee.


Dutch-born woodcarver "Grinling Gibbons" is born on this day in 1648. Gibbons also shares a birthday with lesser known celebrities such as, Muddy Waters (1915), Maya Angelou (1928), Craig "Coach" "T" "Nelson" (1944), David E Kelley (creator of the OC), Agent Smith/Elrond Hugo Weaving "1960" (i really thought he could have been born in like 1500 for some reason.), David Cross (1964), RDJR (robert downey jr.) (1965), Mix Master Mike (1970), AND MR DAVID BLAINE (1973)

I leave you now, with gibbons.

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