Alfreda and Anton

Alfreda Van Bladel had prepared a dinner for her husband, Anton, that consisted of hot dogs.

At some point the man snatched the plate of hot dogs from his wife's hands.

This action prompted the Alfreda to stab her husband in the shoulder with a steak knife.

Anton Van Bladel then grabbed a handgun and pointed it at his wifes head and softly informed her that he was going to kill her.

"I will kill you. I swear to god Alfreda, I earned these hotdogs and goddamnit im going to eat them. "

"Well whats stoppin you now then. You're pointin a fucking gun at my head. You can eat whatever the fuck you want now. Shit- why dont you go ahead and do it Anton. Mr big man. Big scary Anton. Just do it already. Aint like cleanin up after your shit ass is much of a livin anyway."

Alfreda grabbed the gun and pressed it into her forhead even harder.


"Why'd you have go go and stab me like that." Anton pulled a cigarette out of the pack in his front shirt pocket. The right pocket. He always kept a pack there. He looked into Alfreda's eyes as he puffed on the Marlboro red. Her wild eyes. The ones that he had fallen in love with 15 years ago. Freshmen year. Anton passed her the cigarette. He was still holding the gun to her head.

"I had to stand up f'er myself someday. What'n the hell am i supposed to eat 'f you go 'n snatch up all the hotdogs." She blew smoke rings. She knew Anton loved it when she did her smoke tricks. He thought it made her look like a hollywood movie star.

The smoke rings floated towards Anton, dissipating around him. He smiled for a second, and then frowned. "How'n the hell 're you gonna cook us a dinner consisting of only three goddamn hotdogs. That aint 'enough. First off you know i like my Hungry Mans-"

"Well ther aint no goddamn money for Hungry Mans Anton. We aint even got 'nuff for a whole pack of hotdogs. Why the hell do you think i only cooked three." Anton was not listening. This is because he kept talking over Alfreda.

"-Thats cus thats what i am. A hungry man. Those things are heavy Alfreda you know that. I know you know that cus 'yer the ones what fuckin buyin em. I jus get so darn hungry."

"Shit Anton just fucking kill me." *sobs* "Just fucking kill me and eat me then. Thats all I am to you. Just a fucking food source."

Anton lowered the gun from his wifes temple.

"Damnit Alfreda. Look at your eyes. So wild. You 'member when i asked you to wear my jacket."

Anton wiped the tears from Alfredas eyes. She smiled. "heh. Yeah, it was all covered in mud because you went muddin' with the windows down."

"Yes and you took it anyways, cuz you knew that i didnt know how to get it cleaned. And you threw it in your mamas dryer and freshened it up with your trick."

"hah- that werent no trick Anton. Its just some dryer sheets." she laughed.

"Well i aint never seen nothin like it." Anton began crying. "Sure seemd like some magic to me Alfreda. Damnit you know i love you. Im sorry i pointed sheila at'cha. I just get so emotional is all."

"Aww hell i know you didnt mean it. Come here you big ox."


original Article.

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