the prodigal sinbad returns

Why is Sindbad in the news? As it turns out, his 15 minutes of fame happened to coincide with a 1996 trip to Bosnia accompanying then First Lady Hillary Clinton, and singer/songwriter Sheryl Crow on a TOP SECRET MISSION. I can only imagine that sinbad was there to train interrogators in new enhanced interrogation techniques, such as playing VHS reruns of "the Sindbad show" while serving olestra chips (see anal leakage) and listening to cheryl crow all i wanna do over and over and over and never stopping and also Hillary and Chelsea are just smiling at you. Not even talking or even blinking. Just smiling. Chips keep getting shoved into your mouth and sinbad is standing next to the old television set blaring, fighting Sheryl Crow for eardrum dominance. Leaking, Squeaking, laughing. Scary faces. Such techniques were eventually deemed too brutal, and more Orthodox and humane techniques such as sensory bombardment, stress positions, and water boarding, came back into fashion for the Iraq war.

Whats the most you ever lost at a Sinbad concert?

So yesterday Hillary Clinton is flappin' her gums about being more "experienced" or something. And shes talking about her Bosnian creep out mission. And how happy the Bosnians were to have their kind masters there to liberate their freedoms from their freedom haters. There was going to be a little ceremony dedicated to the heroes. There was no little Hillary ceremony. That is because SNIPERS ambushed their arrival. Snipers shooting right at our beloved first lady!!!! Would you believe? Shes practically John McCain. Crouched in the jungles drinking rain water collected in a little leaf. Hiding out from charlie. So brave. Little Hillary Clinton. Also brave, was little Chelsea. Along for this wild ride. It was supposed to be a ride of comedy, and crow, and crowds. And airplanes and soldier. Only the dodging of bullet fire. Ducking and covering for them. Fear of death.

Thanks to the magic of "the video tape" actual footage of this dangerous encounter EXISTS. I immediately contacted my friends at CBS to play me a tape. Their historians were able to look all the way back into the 1996 archives.

We got the tape. Cobwebbed and dusty, we gathered over the glowing idol. And gently ran our fingers across it. After minutes of lusting, we thrust the tape into the tape hole.
It contains a shocking revelation.

Lets just say Mrs. Clinton's memory is significantly LESS experienced at remembering than that of an elephant. (laughter)

Horton didn't hear shit.

Video shows the Clinton's calmly leaving the airplane, doing their little parade waive. Beaming as they are greeted to a small crowd and a little ceremony. An 8 year old girl reads a poem.

Clinton called the incident a "blip"

"I say a lot of things -- millions of words a day -- so if I misspoke, that was
just a misstatement,"

I guess a "misstatement" is the same thing as "complete fucking fabrication" when you get down to it. Really though. A blip? She would have been better off telling sinbad to quit snitchin'.
At least picked up some of those bay area super delegates, such as this fine gentleman.

Does anyone realize that she only says this shit, because of the throngs of under educated Americans, who can only digest info blurbs, and little anecdotes, to make up their minds? "yeah Hillary has more experience, shes been to Bosnia, and even was under attack by snipers!

My roommate actually tried to tell me she thought Obama wasn't "experienced enough" and we argued for well over an hour, and she just kept saying "I just don't think he has the experience" This is because she saw it as some headline, and assumed it to be absolute truth. That is until she saw some other headline, presumably touting Obama. At which point, she changed her mind 2 days later, and told me she thought Obama might well be the man for the job.

Does anyone read anymore?? Does anyone actually LISTEN anymore? We have all become so used to just reading the headline, and assuming we know, or someone else knows for us. Just trust the headlines folks, it leads to wonderful things.

The country who elected a semi retarded white collar cowboy, twice, now has the choice between someone who has yet to be tainted by this monstrous partisan insane asylum we know as the two party system, someone who actually represents the changing of the guard, a chance to break free from the same shit we've been dealing with for the last 30 years, versus a completely insane first lady, who represents no one, and nothing, except her own tired and bizarre agenda. Hillary Clinton is actually latin for FAKE SHIT. The following is from an article on super delegates, it contains quotes from US rep Tim Mahoney, a superdelegate. For those of you who dont know what a superdelegate is.. go fuck yourself.

As an uncommitted super delegate, Mahoney said he has been wooed by Clinton and
Obama for an endorsement. Clinton has been the more aggressive solicitor,
Mahoney said.

Mahoney said he has met twice with Obama. He has met more often
with Clinton. Two weeks ago, Mahoney attended a cocktail party at Clinton’s
house in Washington, D.C., he said. Mahoney told of how impressed he is by
Clinton’s commitment to helping people and her human touch. When Clinton learned that Mahoney’s daughter is interested in horses, she called the girl to encourage her interest, Mahoney said.

What kind of fake shit is that? What year is this again? This kind of shit works? I fucking hope not. Maybe Hillarys biological clock got reset to 1900 after Y2k. Well, she likes horses, my daughter likes horses. And she cares about the children. Even called one. Forget about the fact that it was probably a drunk dial. Shit who am i kidding, it was probably the first real conversation Hillary has had since she was 12. But really that is some desperate shit. Explain to daddy why its better to force people to have healthcare, instead of making it accessible to all. What exactly is this "experience, and how exactly is it better than what the good senator from Illinois has accomplished" Don't just go talk horseys with the women folk while daddy smiles and puffs a cigar.

Ill give her one thing, she has a lot in common with someone most middle Americans can relate to.

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