my new favorite website

From the marvelous website, sugar bush squirrel. Im sure pages upon pages could be written about the madness contained in this website... but i really dont have any words. it speaks for itself pretty loud and clear. some of the highlights :

Sugar Bush Squirrel's warning to Kim Jong-il of North Korea July 4th was loud and clear,

"Don't make me come over there!"

Sugar Bush goes on to say, "You can't trust these North Korean guys because it's obvious that they're testing a way to launch a nuclear warhead. After 6 tests today which included a T-2 long range missle, capable of reaching the USA but which failed 42 seconds in mid-air after lift off, our American government calls it 'provocation', but I call it an imminent threat to our allies, Japan and South Korea."

Sugar Bush says face-to-face on a private computer hook-up with Kim Jong-il himself, "Don't make me come over there!"

Sugarbush may be among the last true patriots left in this country.


website. http://sugarbushsquirrel.com/

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