the genius of vintage kevin johnson

the following is reposted from dorians old group blog circa 2001. please note that though it may seem like i missed a part at the end, it is actually the ending. this is only the tip of the iceberg that is the genius of vintage kevin johnson. i miss that kid.


Thursday, October 25, 2001

A Story: of Might and Magic
This is the tale of Kabuki and the magic forest of the Albino Tapirs. Kabuki was traveling with his feline companion Henroe to the Whimsical World of Wonder and Soup. He had with him, his trusty bag of Neverending Gardettos and a revolver. By the way, Henroe had blindsight meaning...he could fly. Suddenly they came across a giant Cantalope which also had blindsight. Kabuki shot it and they continued on their journey. Suddenly Kabuki had a heart attack.

* * *

This is the tale of how Henroe stole his dead friend's belongings and went on a Mystical journey to the land of Soup and Crackers. At this point Henroe had in his haversack, a revolver, an empty bag of Gardettos, and a plump and ripe cantalope which Henroe had drawn a face on and named Banjo. he began to comb his hair with his shoe, then swearing drunkenly, shot Banjo. Pudding went EVERYWHERE! Then "The Hustle" started playing and Henroe danced. Long story short Henroe got Cracker Poisoning and had to stay at the hospital for 4 weeks with eye sickness. Henroe got a rare blindsight morphation and his blindsight changed, but you'll have to read about that in the next story...The Tale Of

posted by Kevin at

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